Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November Meeting Cancelled

Just a quick note to say that this month's meeting has been canceled due to illness (sniffle snuffle sneeze)

Next meeting will be December 16th 7:15pm
And in the holiday spirit we will be sharing our stellar sales tips, shining pearls of wisdom and precious nuggets of knowledge gleaned from this year's holiday shows
(cookie sharing optional)

What worked for you this holiday season?
What didn't?

What was a great show for you this year?
Which ones were lousy?

What will you do differently next year?

So bring your favorite holiday treat to share and your stories from this year's craft fairs

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Don't Miss 15% Off On BeastlieBeastie Tees at RedBubble

At RedBubble you get to choose which BeastlyBeastie design you want, what type of tee, and what color you want. Hoodies and baby clothes also available. Allow two weeks for delivery, your order will be specially printed for you and will arrive beautifully packaged.